Walter launches new FW4 and MW4 wiper geometries

With the FW4 and MW4 wiper geometries, Walter is launching two turning indexable insert geometries which combine the “wiper effect” with new chip breaker geometries and extremely wear-resistant Walter Tiger·tec® Gold grades. The curved wiper edge sweeps over the surface again, making it possible either to double the feed and increase productivity by 100 per cent, or to double the surface quality while maintaining the same feed. With the new geometries, Walter is now also transferring this effect from the FW5 and MW5 double-sided cutting inserts to indexable inserts with a positive basic shape. The result is the FW4 geometry with a narrow chip breaker for finishing operations and the MW4 geometry with an open chip breaker groove and longer radiused wiper cutting edge for medium machining.

Walter MW4 turning indexable insert

Both geometries are designed for universal application in ISO materials P, M and K, as well as for secondary applications in ISO S. Both the FW4 and MW4 geometries make it possible to achieve improved surface quality, productivity and process reliability. Thanks to the wiper edge with its curved design, this also applies when the machine is not aligned 100 per cent precisely (for example after a crash or if the turret is slightly offset). The new chip breakers also increase the chip breaking range resulting in less machine downtime caused by bird nesting. Higher feeds lower the tool’s machining and therefore contact times, increasing its tool life and reducing the indexing times. The combination of double the productivity and/or surface quality is particularly appealing for series producers, as the aforementioned benefits are multiplied in series production.

For more information, please contact Spectra Carbide Tooling Technology – Tel: 021 555 4144.


With the WPP10G grade for continuous cuts and occasionally interrupted cuts, the WPP20G universal grade and the tough WPP30G grade for interrupted cuts and unfavourable machining conditions, Walter offers its customers three Tiger·tec® Gold grades specially designed for turning operations. After the extremely successful market launch at the end of 2021, the manufacturer is now doubling its range. The positive CCMT and DCGT inserts, as well as negative, single-sided CNMM and SNMM inserts, and WL25 copy turning inserts are now being added to the previously launched indexable inserts with double-sided negative basic shape (CNMG, DNMG, etc.). They are expanding the Walter Tiger·tec® Gold portfolio with three cutting tool materials, now taking the total to 21 geometries and more than 1100 items – including special geometries with improved chip breaking (MP6) and for roughing large forged parts (HU7).

Walter MWS4 turning indexable insert

Like the existing inserts, steel is the primary application of the newly added turning grades (cast iron is the secondary application). In 130 customer tests, they increased tool life by an average of around 50%. The reason for this is a special layered structure. A patent-pending, highly textured, multi-layered MT-TiCN layer increases toughness and reduces flank face wear, resulting in lower production costs. The highly textured Al2O3 layer also minimises crater wear; the final gold-coloured top layer improves wear detection. On top of this, Walter provides a multi-stage post-treatment. This produces an unusually smooth rake face, therefore reducing friction and also increasing toughness. This ultimately ensures high process reliability in automated processes. With this expansion of the product range, users can now benefit from maximum flexibility and minimal component costs when turning too, thanks to Tiger·tec® Gold.

For more information, please contact Spectra Carbide Tooling Technology – Tel: 021 555 4144.


With the W1211/W1210 copy turning system, Walter is transferring to internal machining the positive features of its W1011/W1010 turning system for external machining that is already established on the market. The boring bars and indexable inserts with WL positive engagement solve a common problem. High forces occur when copy turning with V-style inserts, which cause micro movements of the insert in the toolholder and therefore widen the insert seat. This results in increased wear, less precision and a lack of indexing accuracy with indexable plate types such as VBMT or DCMT. Due to their positive-locking insert seat design with three-point support, the W1211/W1210 boring bars and WL25 inserts achieve outstanding stability. This increases the tool life while enabling users to use the tools in both directions of travel, which increases the indexing accuracy by 50%.

Walter Turn W1211W1210 copy turning system

Walter offers two versions of the boring bars with diameters of 25, 32 and 40 mm: W1210 for profiling angles of up to 72.5° and W1211 for profiling angles of up to 50°. The positive WL25 indexable inserts with three cutting edges are available in four insert types, depending on the requirements of the application. Neutral, left-hand, right-hand and full-radius versions fit into the same tool. In addition to the wear-resistant Walter Tiger·tec® Silver grades that are currently used, Tiger·tec® Gold inserts will be available soon. The dual rake face cooling and the optional axial cooling for flushing out the chips during blind-hole machining also result in longer tool life and therefore greater cost-efficiency. These special features and the versatility of the system make it the current benchmark for the market.

For more information, please contact Spectra Carbide Tooling Technology – Tel: 021 555 4144.

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