ISCAR introduces SGTBU C-14 blocks with a wide fixing prism suitable for 10-14 mm width DOVEIQGRIP blades.
Until now, the only standard option to clamp the THBR/L/N-IQ DOVEIQGRIP blades was on the existing blocks, designed for 8 mm wide blades. These blocks were not ideal holders due to their narrow prism.
The new SGTBU C-14 blocks feature a wide prism which enables a much more rigid clamping for 10-14 mm blade widths.
The new blocks feature internal coolant and they are available with 32, 40 and 50 mm shanks carrying 52.6 mm height blades.
For more information, please contact ISCAR South Africa (PTY) LTD – Tel: 011 997-2700.