Equipped with twin turrets and twin spindles this is a multi-tasking fully intelligent turning-milling CNC lathe for complex machining.
Opposed left and right spindles and turrets allow independent machining by each spindle/turret system with interchange between the systems to reduce cycle times for highly complex machining, while the compact working area with twin machining stations is designed for flexibility and fast component transfer for highly cost effective machining. Full roller guideways allow higher speeds that shorten cycle times to enhance capability for mass production. Increased distance between linear guideways on each axis improves rigidity and stability for highly accurate machining, while the gantry loading option allows high speed mass production with minimal operator intervention.
- Max. Turning length: 250mm
- Max. Turning diameter: 310mm
- Max. Bar work capacity: 52(65)mm
- Bearing diameter: 100(110) mm
- Spindle speed: 4000(3500) rpm
- Spindle drive motor: 11/15(15/18.5) kW
- Max. Spindle torque: 188.2(242) Nm
An option to equip the MX-800 with a gantry loading system and parts conveyor radically shortens component handling times and coupled with the design of the twin turret/twin spindle system for the highest machining speeds, it provides the perfect solution for high-speed mass production.
For more information, contact 600 SA Machine Tools – Cell: 072 157 6003.