With its easy to use control unit, rigid body frame, perfect design, high efficiency, multiple tool usage solutions, top level CE safety standards and economical price range, AD-R is a world leader in its category. The machine is perfectly equipped for sensitive bending, energy efficient solutions.

AD-R series press brakes are built in accordance with CE-Norms to ensure safety with hydraulic, electric, appropriate height covers and laser light curtains, while CE safety in tandem machines are also provided with light barriers and designed with high technology to increase efficiency on precise part bending.


With an easy to use control unit, stable body structure, perfect design, low operating cost, different tool usage options, maximum safety standards, Durma press brakes are amongst the best in the world. Bending performance is increased by using a high quality European clamping system to improve productivity.

Most important feature to achieve perfect bending is the stability and the design of the back gauge, which allows an impeccable and correct product to be produced.

The high speed ballscrew back gauge system movement is supported with linear guides, which helps the back gauge achieve long life and greater sensitivity, while strengthening against any collisions.

AD-R 30135

  • Capacity (Length x Ton) 3050×135
  • X=650mm X,R (AL)
  • CNC Controlled Motorized Crowning
  • Control Unit Sky 22 (Colour Graphic 22’ Screen)
  • DBEND 3D CAD/CAM Importing & Simulation Program
  • Non CE with Manual F.AKAS FPBS
  • Top Tool European P97.75.R08
  • Bottom Tool European M.46R.85
  • Quick Release clamping
  • 60mm Die Holder (For European Dies only)
  • Throat Depth 450mm
  • Back Gauge: Motorised & Linear Guide & Ballscrew System
  • Back Gauge Fingers Height Adjustable
  • Back Gauge Motor: Servo
  • Sliding Front Arms with Full Length Linear Guide
  • Safety Covers (Side)

Specially designed finger blocks with steps to achieve maximum stability can be supplied for every kind of bending solution.

With an impressive variety of tool options and types available, Durma is the ideal solution partner, while providing the best level of service and readily available spare parts.

For more information, please contact Spectrum Machine Tools – Tel: 011 865-4090.

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