In a market where skilled artisans are becoming more and more scarce, it has become necessary to look at alternative ways of machining, whether it be for general engineering, tool-making or production work CNC machining is quicker and certainly more accurate than conventional milling machines and there is no need for constant monitoring while in use. Taking this into account, MJH Machine Tools have a solution to suit customers’ needs. Featuring an entry level CNC control, our Ctek CNC milling machine is the first step to CNC machining. As long as the operator has basic knowledge on using a DRO, he can, within a few hours, be taught how to program and run the machine. There is no need for G code knowledge as the control is conversational, using a question and answer format. The software is simple to use with graphic input in basic machinist language. The control has options for standard operation modes such as drill, tap, bore, contour and pocket programming, which is ideally suited to general engineering work without a need for external programming packages. The latest Ctek’s come with linear guides on all three axes for better accuracy and speed, as well as a direct spindle drive motor and an improved Z axis motor with inline break which eliminates the need for a counterbalance. The Ctek can be fitted with a 4th axis within a matter of hours and programmed from the standard Ctek control.

The Ctek range has six x-travel sizes, 800mm, 1 000mm, 1 500mm, 1 800mm, 2 000mm and 2 500mm. These machines are available in open type or fully enclosed depending on the customer’s requirements. All spares are available ex stock at a fraction of the cost compared to other controls. With hundreds of these machines sold throughout South Africa since 1997, it is not surprising that Ctek CNC milling machines have been the first step to full CNC machining in many workshops. Should there be a requirement for a high performance machining centre for super fine finishing and accuracy, the Akira Seiki is the machine to consider. Spindle power ranging from 15HP on the Junior series to 42HP on the Super Vertical range and spindle speeds from 9 000rpm to 15 000rpm guarantee high quality surface finish. Akira Seiki machines come standard with spindle oil chillers, inner spindle air chiller, coolant through spindle, pneumatic counter balance, chip screw conveyor, quick change ATC and 4th axis preparation.

For further information, please contact MJH Machine Tools – Tel: (031) 705 7514.