Amada To Construct New Production Facility And Supplier Base In Fujinomiya

New Module Production Facility at Fujinomiya Works (exterior image)

AMADA to construct new production facility and supplier base in Fujinomiya

AMADA has decided to construct the Module Production Facility, a new production facility for manufacturing core modules of fiber laser cutting machines, at the Fujinomiya Works (Fujinomiya, Japan), R&D and manufacturing base for sheet metal processing machines.

As a result, AMADA plans to double its production capacity.

The company will also develop the AMADA Satellite Park to assemble machine control panels and large components, near Fujinomiya Works. The goal is to improve production and logistics efficiency while reducing production costs by concentrating suppliers currently located in different areas to collaborate with the Fujinomiya Works.

Both the Module Production Facility and the AMADA Satellite Park are scheduled to launch operations in April 2020.

The AMADA Group is constructing new facilities and expanding existing locations in North America and Europe, in line with the expansion of its market shares for fiber laser cutting machines and automation solutions. The Group continues to implement growth strategies set out in its medium-term management plan.

By establishing a new manufacturing base in the Fujinomiya area, AMADA aims to meet growing global demand by concentrating production of core modules and supplying them to manufacturing bases in Japan and overseas. Consequently, it will maintain consistent performance and quality of products, while establishing a high-efficiency production system. Furthermore, AMADA plans to expand production capacity of press brakes and products of automation solutions at the Toki Works in Gifu. The total investment for construction and expansion of the three manufacturing bases is estimated to be approximately JPY 20 billion.